Horse Barn Designs: Stall and Stable Options

Horse Barn Designs: Stall and Stable Options

Stall02-300x220If you’ve decided to look into developing any kind of equestrian post frame barn, from a two-stall plan to a barn home with full-scale living quarters, there’s one feature of the overall design where you can never spend too much time. As a top equine barn builder, we know that the style and structure of your horses’ stalls will have a radical impact on the total feel and function of your barn.

It’s Got to Be Unique

Maybe you’ve got a totally unique design in mind – something stylistically European with elegant sweeping curves, while still sturdy enough to handle the rigors of heavy-duty daily use. But you can’t seem to find the right off-the-shelf design. There’s nothing on the market that does justice to your dream barn. Everything just looks…all right.

Well, We Don’t Think “All Right” is Good Enough

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice any of the design features you’re really set on. That’s where we come in. Conestoga Buildings will work with you throughout the whole of the design-build process: fleshing out the details, rendering the vision, and helping to evolve your dream into a reality. Our post frame barn expertise makes finding the right floor plan a matter of time and attention, not a question of possibility.

Hardware and Special Considerations

Now, as you further explore the design process, you’ll want to consider some of the staple elements of any safe, functional, and comfortable horse stable:

Floor Mats – Consider stall floor mats to increase the comfort level of your horses’ home. Our mats are standard 3-quarter inch, inter-locking black rubber pads custom-fitted to your stalls. They’re comfortable, and dually light on cleaning and maintenance.

Tack Rooms – Your tack rooms are just as important as your stables. They have to be designed, built and outfitted for all of your saddles, bridles and equipment.Our tack rooms are designed to match the specific needs of your custom stalls. Typically they’re finished in yellow pine and insulated for temperature control.

Skylights and Sidelights – Think about adding a skylight to your stable. We insert a vinyl panel into your roof, allowing natural light into the space. Our sidelights are made of the same vinyl material as skylights, but are placed on side walls instead of installed in the roof. Both skylights and sidelights come in clear or white panel options.

Design and Build the Perfect Stables

At the end of the day it’s entirely up to you. Mix and match feed, watering and door options, materials, layouts and added features. Get in touch with one of our design professionals. We’ll help you create the perfect stall system.

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