Three Post Frame Commercial Building Myths Busted

Misconceptions never do anyone any good. In fact, they can be costly. For example, people often dismiss working with a post frame commercial builder because they’re not really sure what post frame construction is all about. Today, we’re going to bust a few myths and share the advantages of post frame commercial construction.
Three Malicious Myths About Post Frame Commercial Building
Myth #1: You get no design flexibility.
If you’ve heard that your design possibilities are limited with post frame construction, don’t believe it! As a post frame commercial builder, Conestoga can incorporate nearly any stylish detail you want. From stone to siding and finished interiors to second stories and more, we can add the same types of architectural components that companies that specialize in traditional and steel frame construction include. In fact, you might even gain more design flexibility with post frame construction, because post frame building techniques make it easy to create dramatic ceiling heights and wide, uninterrupted spans.
Myth #2: The technique isn’t as structurally sound as other methods of construction.
Nope! In truth, post frame commercial construction is so strong that you can have wide, clear span areas to give you the uninterrupted space you need. Some other forms of construction require structural supports that get in the way. But that’s not the case with post frame building. And of course, all of the buildings that we build meet or exceed the releveant commercial construction codes and pass rigorous engineering reviews, just like any other type of construction.
Myth #3: It’s complicated and expensive.
Also, not true. Post frame construction offers exceptional value for every dollar you spend. For example, materials costs are reasonable, and they require less lumber, so, at the same price point, you can get more square footage or amenities than with other building methods. Moreover, post frame building projects are highly efficient. It requires less time and manpower to build a post frame structure than a building built with other construction methods. Therefore, you enjoy lower labor costs—and that can make a tremendous difference for your budget!
Believe the Truth—Not Everything You’ve Heard—About Post Frame Commercial Construction!
We know that myths have a way of sticking around, so we hope we’ve helped you overcome the untruths that you may have heard about post frame buildings. At Conestoga, we believe honesty is always the best policy. So, contact us to learn more and ask whatever questions you have about post frame construction. We promise to give you real answers and a genuine assessment of whether our post frame commercial building services are right for your next project.