Current Material Market Challenges
If you’ve noticed costs on construction and even DIY projects skyrocketing or you’ve had trouble getting your hands on materials, you’re not alone. According to the National Association of Home Builders, lumber prices have hit a 2-year high and in many cases have doubled since April. And I’m sure you can guess the reason; COVID-19.
Back in the spring, many mills were forced to close or cutback on output and staffing due to stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures. During that time, prices for lumber dipped substantially as businesses anticipated a drop in demand. But what producers did not see coming was the massive uptick in demand from do-it-yourselfers and big box retailers during the pandemic. As things began to reopen, the DIYers didn’t let up, housing weathered the storm much better than expected and demand for construction has far surpassed lumber mills’ projections. Suppliers are now working to catch up on orders, and in many cases, builders are being forced to place orders without a delivery date or price.
Lezzer Lumber is our primary material supplier. Mike Lezzer, CEO, has been in the business his entire life and told us, “This has been the most frustrating market that I can ever remember. Lumber markets are cyclical, some years prices are extremely high but there is supply available and you can at least count on material arriving in a timely manner. In this unprecedented market, nobody was prepared for this level of business, especially coming out of the lockdown. Nobody expected demand to be so strong and the industry wasn’t prepared. At this point, nobody knows for certain when we can expect any relief from the current situation.”
So why tell you all this “bad” news? Because here at Conestoga Buildings, we can help! First and foremost, when you are requesting and/or comparing quotes, we want you to understand the market and not feel a sense of sticker shock. We want to be upfront and honest about the hardships in this difficult market, but we are also here to guide you through the process, so you don’t have to put that dream build on hold.
We are working closely with our vendors and suppliers to minimize these disruptions while also reducing the impact to your project budget. When you sit down with one of our experienced, well-versed representatives, we will help you find solutions to these issues, like looking for alternative products with similar features and benefits that are more stable and available today.
If you’re looking for a post frame builder that will deliver the honesty, integrity and value you deserve, contact us. We look forward to discussing your project!