The VALUE in Conestoga Buildings

Choosing the right construction company for your project can be a daunting task. There are so many different things to weigh, but the VALUE each company brings to the table should be top priority. Here at Conestoga Buildings, we are looking to give you the best project for your money. Many clients come to us because we have the technical knowledge and expertise to build high-end, complex projects that many companies, simply cannot. Keep in mind, there will always be a lower cost option out there for you, but that does not mean you will get the best value.
Here are some of the Key Values that Conestoga will bring to your project:
Knowledgeable Team
Our Team of over 30 professionals, have worked in construction and the post frame industry for decades! They have expertise in products, design, and field operations that can’t be beat. No matter if you want to build a simple garage, or a complex commercial building, our team is ready to take on the challenge.
Long-Lasting Relationships
In additional to our in-house team, we have built wonderful, working relationships with countless other vendors. From architects to landscapers, subcontractors and suppliers, we have so many resources at our fingertips. We value our relationships and only work with preferred vendors who have the same mentality on quality, customer service, and pricing.
Solution Driven
You have a problem? We have a solution. In our eyes, there are no problems, just opportunities and solutions. We thrive on working through whatever obstacles come our way, and the line of communication will always remain open; before, during and after your project is complete.
Preparing for Future Needs
When you build a project, you are probably focusing on the now. You may not think ahead to your future needs. That’s where we bring value! For example, you may not realize you should have sheathing and weather barrier to keep your heating and cooling bills down in the future. This is something we will walk you through and make sure you have thought of everything!
Last, but certainly not least, we are creative. We are creative in the design phase. We are creative when obstacles arise. We are creative when it comes to finding you the best value for your project. You want a builder that will listen to what you want, and then deliver things you didn’t even know you needed.
At the end of the day, we will not be the lowest quote, but we will promise to give you the best value for your project, peace of mind, communication, creativity, a knowledgeable team, and an incredibly well-built structure that is built with the future in mind!