Post Frame Barns & Farm Buildings in Every Style

Post Frame Barns & Farm Buildings in Every Style

It doesn’t matter if you have a 2,000 acre commercial farm or a 10 acre hobby farm, your farm building or post frame barn needs to get the job done. You might be storing farm equipment such as tractors and combines or housing livestock such as horses. The real question is: does your post frame barn or farm building meet your needs and give you room to expand, and is it going to last?

At Conestoga, we’re an expert post frame barn builder, and as you can see below, we have built many post frame barns and farm buildings to accommodate any use or purpose. Take a look at some of our work below.


While it may not look like what people consider to be a “normal barn”, this post frame barn was built for storing equipment both indoors and outdoors. Construction costs were kept low by several factors, including not needing a footer but rather using just a poured slab for the floor.


This post frame barn was designed and built for storing small farm equipment such as tractors. It includes outdoor storage space and a personnel door.


Far larger than most post frame barns, this barn is nearly 130’ long. Due to the load bearing strength of post frame building construction, less framing is required to hold larger snow loads. Also, you can include optional items like translucent roofing panels for natural lighting and cupolas for open-air ventilation to keep the barn cool in the summer. This barn was designed to house equipment and some livestock, so lighting and ventilation were key factors in the design and build process.


Post frame barns can come in all shapes and sizes, and this smaller livestock pen is no exception. Natural lighting and ventilation were built into the side walls. All in all, this barn was fully built in less than one week.


Conestoga Buildings offers an array of post frame barn plans and farm building options. You have the choice of size, configuration and finishing options like metal and even natural materials like wood, achieving that truly traditional barn look and feel. The best part is that you know that any post frame barn built by us will stand the test of time and take whatever hard use or abuse you might have in store.

Talk to one of our farm building experts today and request a quote.

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