Keeping Your Commercial Retail & Office Building Cool

Whether your commercial pole building is a fully enclosed retail space, a storage warehouse for product inventory or a production facility cranking out widgets daily, you want it to be a comfortable place for your employees or customers to be. People who are not overly familiar with post-frame or pole buildings are sometimes concerned with how climate control should be approached as opposed to brick and mortar buildings. But as a leading post frame commercial builder, we know this topic inside and out. With summertime on the near horizon, let’s take a look at keeping your structure cool in the summer heat.
The Mid-Atlantic States usually top out around 90°, but with that warmth comes sometimes brutal humidity. The climate in your area will dictate whether air conditioning is an absolute must, or whether a combination of natural breezes and industrial fans will do the trick. Also consider the commercial pole building’s purpose. A warehouse storing files and documents may not need the constant cooling that a retail showroom would likely demand.
The floor plan of your commercial pole building will have a great deal of say in how you go about cooling things down. In a production or storage building, you likely have taken advantage of pole buildings’ ability to enclose large open spaces; if your building is used for office space or mixed use, you may see the interior space more broken up and compartmentalized. How your structure is designed has a great deal of influence on how you go about keeping it comfortable in hot weather.
If temperatures and humidity reach the point where air conditioning is simply a must, you’ll want to make sure you insulate your pole building properly. Horizontal planks, or girds, placed bookshelf-style between the posts of the outer walls create pockets that will hold insulating material as well as provide support for drywall installation. Ceiling insulation can be handled with a standard drop ceiling approach, creating a space for spray-foam material, or with lightweight insulation stapled between the roof trusses.
If you’re building a new retail space or storage facility, talk to your sales consultant at Conestoga Buildings about the advantages, ease, and budget-friendliness of pole barn construction. Contact us today to get the conversation started!