Building A Custom Storage Building & Woodworking Shop

At Conestoga, our design/build team strives to build structures that are not only practical, but attractive as well. It’s this balance that allows us to build quality structures that are quick to build and cost effective.
Take this recent custom storage building project, for instance. The shop owner came to us in need of an expanded work space with plenty of room for a vast array of woodworking tools and other equipment. The homeowners, however, weren’t willing to sacrifice the aesthetics of the building’s exterior in the process.
Our design team went to work, laying the groundwork for a beautiful carriage house post frame barn structure to add character and value to the property. They chose crisp white siding offset with a dark metal roof. And, they incorporated second story protruding windows that added a high-end look to the building. Other details that set this building apart included metal sconces and residential-style shutters with paned windows.
Inside, the design stayed simple and functional, giving the homeowner adequate space for projects and a metal ceiling prepped to work as a tool handling added lights and extension cords as needed. And finally, the team added a loft for additional storage and ventilation.
Just a few of the features of this custom shop include:
- Almost 1,800 Sq. Ft.
- Dustproof Interior Walls
- Full Electrical and HVAC
- Separate 2nd Floor
- Insulated 1st Floor
- And More
We’re experts at pairing form and function. Contact us today to learn more about how a custom shop or other storage building can add functionality and curb appeal to your home.