Your New Garage or Workshop – A Reality!

At Conestoga, we’re a custom garage builder who will not only strive to make your custom garage a reality with affordable, post frame construction, we’ll challenge you to dream about the many possibilities with a new custom garage.
Some people think of a garage as simply a functional space to keep their vehicles out of the weather. Others see a well-designed, custom garage as a space with multiple uses and benefits.
Before you plan your new garage workshop, read aboutour garage ideas that can benefit homeowners in ways other than storage for your daily vehicles:
Designing enough space in your garage workshop for a workbench, cabinets or tool chest can be beneficial if you have a hobby outside your home – like gardening, crafting, landscaping or woodworking. All tools and equipment can have its own place and be easily accessible, while also being securely locked away from any children that might be in the area.
Living Space
Add a second floor to your garage to create a living space, whether it’s to gather with your friends on the weekends or extra space for when the in-laws visit. Second floors are commonly used for personal gyms, man caves, child playrooms and artist studios. You can keep it simple with electrical or add options like plumbing, HVAC and insulation to provide extra comfort.
Household Storage
Is your house feeling a little overwhelmed with “stuff?” Planning attic space into your new garage can be a big help to store holiday decorations or extra furniture. Also, attic space can hold recreational equipment for summer fun like kayaks, bicycles and volleyball nets.
Maintenance Bay
If you’re an at-home mechanic who likes to maintain your vehicles, a maintenance bay is something to consider. This bay could be equipped with a car lift and have surrounding area for doing normal maintenance like changing fluids and filters or more extensive work like engine repairs. Adding plumbing to your custom garage workshop allows you to clean engine parts, car accessories and even the family pet, if you desire!
RV/Boat Storage
While some may opt for a carport to house their RV or boat, most prefer the protection of an enclosed garage. When designing your custom garage, think about adding enough height to your building to store your daily vehicles and your hobby vehicles in the same, secure garage. Garage doors are available in multiple sizes to accommodate this additional height.
Are you imagining your new custom garage yet?
It’s hard not to be intrigued by the possibilities of a custom garage on your property. Did any of our ideas spark your interest? We encourage our customers to think of their new building as a solution to problems they may be facing or as a way to make their daily lives easier and more enjoyable. By reviewing these other garage ideas, we hope to have inspired some big ideas for your custom garage.
Contact a sales representative or request a quote on a custom garage to get started!