Creating a Man Cave Garage

We’ve heard it time and time again; the desire for a man cave garage. What is it about a man having a place to call his own? Where he can relax after dinner, play games with the kids or grandkids, watch the big game or enjoy some banter with the guys. As a leading custom garage builder, we figured this would be a great topic to discuss this month… so let’s start to imagine what COULD be and how to make it happen.
So what do you want in your man cave garage? A big screen TV? Dartboard? Bar? Poker table? Whatever you’re interested in, start to make a list of everything that you desire in your *perfect* man cave. We aren’t saying you’ll be able to have ALL of these items–depending on how BIG you can dream and how fat your wallet is– but this is a great place to start.
Now that you have an idea of WHAT you want in your man cave garage, it’s time to think about WHERE everything will go. You’ll want to assess your current garage or begin thinking about a floor plan for your new garage.
If you currently have a garage, we suggest you take measurements and sketch our your ideas. You might realize it can’t possibly fit all the items you want for your man cave. Or you’ll have to give up the precious space that keeps your vehicles clean from the snow, maintenance tools organized and holds your family’s recreational equipment. So what’s your option? HOW can you get the man cave you’ve always wanted? By using post framing construction, of course! You’ll get a high-quality, affordable man cave garage and it doesn’t hurt that you’d be adding value to your property. (SCORE!)
When it comes to finding a custom garage builder, you first need to address the technicalities that come with building on your property. These usually include speaking with your township to discuss any limitations or if you deal with a homeowner’s association, find out what their terms are. Once you obtain that information, you can call our office and speak to a sales consultant. They’ll ask you questions like:
- What building size are you interested in?
- Do you want a second floor? And will your man cave reside on the second floor?
- Are you planning for electrical, plumbing and heating/AC?
- How many garage doors are you interested in?
- Do you know how you’ll finance the building?
As I mentioned above, you can opt to build a garage with a second floor. This allows you to not only have the man cave you’ve always wanted, but also still enjoy the perks of having a garage for your vehicles and yard equipment.
Once you’ve talked to a Conestoga Buildings’ sales consultant and worked out the details, it’s time to start shopping. Whether you are a bargain shopper–hitting up the consignment shops and yard sales– or are buying brand new items, this time while your garage is being constructed doesn’t need to be wasted. Items can be stored in a spare room or in the basement until ready. Don’t worry; most places will work with you on a delivery schedule just in case some items are too large to bring home in the car (like that awesome pool table you’ve been eyeing up)!
The most important thing about your man cave is that it represents you and what you love. It is an extension you. Furnishing it in a way that creates comfort for you, your family and friends is essential. And don’t forget, you can utilize wall space for more than just eye-catching pictures and neon beer signs. Try shelves to display any collectibles, trophies or drinkware and several hooks for hat and coat hanging.
You’ve imagined what your man cave garage COULD be, it’s time to start the process. Call or request a quote from Conestoga Buildings today!